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How Messenger sustains community practice

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 7/24/17 6:00 AM

How does an established practice improve?

Imagine for a moment that you run a small family health practice. You’ve been a part of the community for more than 50 years, and deliver quality care to thousands of patients, young and old. You’ve kept up with developments in healthcare, expanded the services you offer your patients, and even made the transition to Electronic Health Records without much trouble.

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Using Big Data to Right Size a Practice

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 7/17/17 6:00 AM

Patient Portal and a Touch of Standard Deviation

Enjoying the Practice of Medicine Again

Doctors become doctors for lots of reasons, mostly having to do with helping others remain healthy, overcome illness, and live fuller, more meaningful lives. But along the way a lot can happen. Your practice grows larger and more complex. Financial headaches abound. Insurance rules change. Government mandates are added.

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The house call, once upon a time

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 7/10/17 6:00 AM

Medical Quality Comes Home

You know all those Norman Rockwell painting showing a kindly, white-haired doctor coming to the house to give a child his or her checkup? Once upon a time in America, that was the norm. In fact, as recently as 1930 — well within the memory of many Americans — 40% of all patient encounters in the U.S. were house calls, according to a 2011 study in American Family Physician.

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CityMD: Transforming walk-in and urgent care

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 7/3/17 6:00 AM

The ‘New York Minute’ Difference

Does a minute make any difference in your life? How about two minutes? Or three?

At CityMD, every minute counts.

Perhaps that’s because the network of walk-in medical clinics covers much of metropolitan New York City and northern New Jersey, where life is so fast-paced that Americans everywhere are familiar with the expression a “New York minute.”

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Chronic Care Management: Improving Quality of Care

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 6/26/17 6:00 AM

Aging populations, chronic needs

The fact that America is aging is no secret. According to the Population Reference Bureau, the number of Americans age 65 or older is expected to double by 2060 — to nearly 100 million. Nor is such information new. The trends have been apparent for years, and even if the estimates vary here and there, there’s no doubt that the nation’s average age is rising — bringing a lot of healthcare challenges.

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Chronic Care Management and Aging

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 6/19/17 6:01 AM


America Ages — and Aches

Today, approximately 15% of Americans, some 46 million of us, are age 65 or older. Fast forward 40 years and the ranks of those eligible for Chronic Care Management are projected to reach nearly 100 million, about a quarter of the U.S. population. The exact numbers are anyone’s guess, but the trends are clear: Americans are living longer than ever. Medicine continues to make remarkable advances in the prevention and treatment of disease.

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Patient Engagement in New York City

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 6/12/17 10:16 AM


Do you live in a busy urban area? Do you work in healthcare? Do you multitask?

If you said yes to the first two, we can guarantee you said yes to the third.

Riverdale Family Practice (RFP) knows firsthand what busy is. Marking their 30th year in the Kingsbridge/Riverdale neighborhood of the Bronx, New York, RFP serves more than 35,000 people — young and old, rich and poor, from every corner of their neighborhood — which in the Bronx means from every corner of the globe.

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Interoperability – Medical data at the point of care

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 6/9/17 2:42 PM

In an ideal world, every medical encounter would begin with the provider having the patient’s complete medical history. Every diagnosis. Every medication. Every allergy.

For now, we live in a real world, where information is often scattered throughout medical systems.

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Winning the Data Wars

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 6/5/17 12:35 PM

Can interoperability defeat the asymmetry beast?

In healthcare IT, the problem isn’t too much data — providers want to know everything they can about individual patients and patient populations — but how to make sense of it all. For many years, medical professionals have devoted countless hours and legions of people to sorting and sifting medical records.

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Arkansas: Concerns and opportunities

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 5/30/17 9:17 AM


Take a close look at the health profile of the state of Arkansas, and by almost any measure there’s cause for concern, with one of the nation’s highest rates of obesity and related conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.

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Healthcare, change, and changing mindsets

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 5/22/17 9:03 AM


If there’s anything more difficult than developing healthcare IT, it’s implementing it. And we’re not talking here about the developers and trainers at companies such as eClinicalWorks whose job it is to teach the software to clients. We mean how clients themselves adapt to rapidly changing technology. 

eClinicalWorks focuses a lot of time and attention on training. But the best trainer in the world cannot be certain that clients understand the tools they use every day until they demonstrate confidence in the use of new technologies, and show that they are thinking differently about processes and workflows.

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The right tools in human hands

Posted by Chris Sinacola on 12/28/16 10:52 AM

Most healthcare providers today don’t lack technology. The real challenge is realizing the full potential of the EHR, smartphones, tablets, trackers and apps. That means developing stronger communication skills, and making sure all providers and staff are trained to take advantage of available technologies.


As John Lynn from healthcarescene.com explains in our two-part podcast, communication and training are essential to better medicine.


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Make Tracks for Texas!

Posted by Chris Sinacola on 10/24/16 11:34 AM

Four days of inspiration. Four days of innovation. Four days of interaction with fellow professionals from across the nation and around the world. Orlando has been magical!

From the pulsating introduction of Friday’s Keynote, through dozens of breakout sessions, panel discussions, and live Podcasts, you’ve seen and shared the best that eClinicalWorks has to offer. And the only question after Saturday’s legendary Sunset Celebration is this: Can next year top it?

Let’s find out! Set your sights on Texas, and save the date — October 6-9, 2017 — at the Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center in Grapevine, where we’ll stage the 2017 eClinicalWorks National Convention. Registration opens in January.

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If the Cubs Could Do It…

Posted by Chris Sinacola on 10/24/16 9:52 AM

It’s push time. The final day of an exhilarating and packed conference. By now, those lasting impressions of Saturday’s Sunset Celebration have blended with all you’ve heard about billing, interoperability, Population Health, and Patient Engagement. To be honest, you’re not sure how much more you can absorb, or exactly how you’ll put all this new knowledge to use once you get back to the office.

Maybe you should have attended one more breakout session, gotten a bit of Hands-On Training, or connected with one more exhibitor. Maybe instead you just enjoyed that 75-degree, postcard-ready Orlando weather and chatted with other convention-goers.

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Timeout for a Colorful Celebration!

Posted by Chris Sinacola on 10/23/16 9:43 AM


There’s been a lot of amazing teamwork at the 2016 eClinicalWorks National Conference over the last few days. Start with the eCW teams who pulled everything together for Friday’s Keynote and kickoff. Don’t forget the phenomenal staff of the Orlando World Center Marriott, who are catering to the needs of thousands of attendees with professionalism and unfailing politeness. And how about the stars of the show, the thousands of our clients, providers and vendors, who brought their own teams to Orlando for an extraordinary weekend of learning, sharing, and networking!

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