Our Blog

Building a Realm of Magic

Posted by Chris Sinacola on 10/22/16 2:34 PM


The eClinicalWorks 2016 National Convention isn’t very far from Disney’s world-famous Magic Kingdom, but there’s clearly no need to leave the Orlando World Center Marriott to get a taste of magic. As Day 2 rolls on, our clients, vendors and employees are busy working up a realm of magic all their own.


As impressive as the opening of our conference was on Friday, the continuing enthusiasm of Day 2 is more impressive still.

  • The all-day 10i User Group Meeting kicked off a day of events at 8 a.m.

  • An hour later, full of coffee and energy, clients were pouring into the meeting rooms for sessions on hands-free documentation, leveraging eBO for your patients and practice, and using smart searches to navigate the thousands of ICD-10 diagnostic codes.

  • As is often the case, sessions offering best practices proved to be among the most popular. Clients lined up this morning outside Grand 8B for the CBO session titled “How to Make Your Billing Office More Efficient.”

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The Thundering Sounds of Innovation

Posted by Chris Sinacola on 10/21/16 6:19 PM


Today’s weather outside the Orlando World Center Marriott was classic Florida — bright sunshine, gently swaying palm trees, and a comfortable 85 degrees. But inside the convention center there was plenty of thunder!


A first round came from eClinicalWorks employees giving an enthusiastic reception to the thousands of our clients arriving for the 2016 National Conference Keynote. And a second round from those clients applauding CEO Girish Navani, Sameer “Sam” Bhat, and Dr. Raj Dharampuriya as they unveiled our company’s latest products, improvements, and initiatives.
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On the Eve of the Convention

Posted by Chris Sinacola on 10/20/16 9:54 PM


From all 50 states and overseas, our customers and employees are arriving in sunny Orlando! From sunrise until long after sunset, crews have been hard at work choreographing tomorrow’s kickoff of the 2016 eClinicalWorks National Conference here at the Orlando World Center Marriott! Our social media wall is already abuzz with photos and posts, of plane departures, bus arrivals, smiling faces, and shout outs. And our social media and selfie contests are already under way. Check pages 12 and 13 of your Conference program book for complete details and post, post, post — to #eCW16 and #eCWSelfie.

Our product experts are onsite and at the top of their games, ready to unveil the new features and functionalities that are now being rolled out across our U.S. and international markets. And eCW team members and technicians are putting the finishing touches on tomorrow’s much-anticipated Keynote from CEO Girish Navani, which promises to deliver a high-energy introduction to four unforgettable days of learning, networking, and sheer fun.


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eCW Podcast: eClinicalWorks Day at a City Near You

Posted by Heather Caouette on 3/21/16 5:09 PM


Recently, we went live with a podcast regarding eClinicalWorks Day, a free educational and networking event located in various cities across the U.S. In this episode, we visit with several of the 200 attendees at the Tampa, Fla., location. We learn about their favorite aspects of these training and demo sessions, including how to achieve Meaningful Use and seeing the latest product enhancements.

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And the HIMSS Davies Award Goes to…

Posted by Heather Caouette on 2/24/16 6:21 PM


HIMSS 2016 is around the corner and we are excited to show attendees the new solutions and enhancements we have been developing, including 10e and our new solution for acute care. We’ll be at booth #4217, so come join us during the conference. We are proud to say that our long history with HIMSS includes 14 customers to date that have received the HIMSS Davies Award with an average ROI of 200%. These award-winning organizations represent more than 3,000 healthcare providers serving approximately 2.4 million patients across 9 states, during the time of their award entries.

The below infographic gives highlights into a sample of these groups. 

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Looking Back at a Solid 2015

Posted by Heather Caouette on 12/29/15 8:30 AM

This past year has been an exciting one for eClinicalWorks! As shown in the accompanying infographic, we opened two new locations in 2015 – one in Austin and the other in London – which will broaden our ability to service customers both in the US and in Europe. We also began an expansion of our Westborough headquarters, and expect revenues to be around $400 million for 2015, showing significant growth from previous years.

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Bringing Up Baby with healow

Posted by Chris Sinacola on 11/20/15 3:47 PM


We have dozens of apps to help with our activities, from ordering a cab or booking a table at a restaurant to helping us take charge of our health. How much did I run today? How many calories did I burn? 


Well, easy-to-use apps are coming to pediatric and maternal health, too.  A mother-to-be wants her health information handy, from office visit summaries to lab results, and wants to know what to look for throughout her pregnancy.  The healow Mom app helps her know:


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Day 4 of the 2015 National Conference

Posted by Heather Caouette on 10/20/15 4:15 PM

Our time in Nashville has come to a close with the final day of our 2015 National Conference. We sincerely hope you enjoyed your time with us and learned as much as possible during these four days. While there were no sessions, there was plenty of action in eCW Central, hands-on training as well as support and training. We also trust you had a chance to stop by eCW Central to visit our various stations, where attendees tried out featured products with eClinicalWorks’ staff.


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Day 3 of the 2015 National Conference

Posted by Heather Caouette on 10/18/15 7:10 PM

Today was our final full day of the National Conference. We hope you’re enjoying this time as much as us. Our legendary Saturday Night party was incredible -- from the band to the dueling pianos, there was music for everyone.



Today’s sessions included eClinicalWorks Payer Outcomes - Bridging the Gap Between Payers and Providers, Effective Patient Communication Strategies Using Messenger, eClinicalWorks Mobile 5.0 - Healthcare on the Go. Along with these sessions, attendees took advantage of hands-on-training for topics including eClinicalTouch, eBO, Scribe and eClinicalWorks Dental Module Workflow.

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Day 2 Recap of the 2015 National Conference

Posted by Heather Caouette on 10/18/15 9:57 AM

Day 2 of the 2015 National Conference was busy day as attendees took in a wide variety of sessions, providing the opportunity to learn all of the exciting developments. Our much anticipated 10e session was held today, along with ICD-10: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, Population Health for ACOs: Bridging the Gaps between Patient and Care, and so many more.


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Girish's Keynote 2015

Posted by Heather Caouette on 10/16/15 11:49 PM



What a start! With 4,500 attendees, 120 learning sessions and 47 sponsors, we kicked off the conference with our first-ever “Prenote to the Keynote” Podcast, discussing previous conferences, as well as what to expect this year. Afterwards, Girish Navani gave a very insightful keynote address, outlining how the business has grown while tying in lessons from other industries. It is amazing where the company has come from and, even more so, where it is headed.


The Product Showcase followed, demonstrating some exciting enhancements, including 10e, a new cloud services platform. This technology takes a new approach to EHRs, incorporating population health and patient engagement for a single unified user experience. Built on HTML 5, it runs on every device and every platform. We showcased developments in practice management, analytics, population health and patient engagement, including telehealth visits, integration with Apple Watch and healow Mom, a new app for expectant patients.

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Welcome to Nashville!

Posted by Heather Caouette on 10/15/15 10:08 PM

Welcome to Nashville and our 2015 National Conference! We have a jam-packed weekend for all of our attendees from the Keynote address, to hands-on training, breakout sessions and much more!

Here is a little glimpse into our exciting National Conference schedule: 

New this year, we will be hosting a “Prenote to the Keynote” Podcast, discussing previous conferences and outlining what to expect during the Keynote presentation. As always, to kick off the conference, Girish Navani will give his annual Keynote address, outlining our latest innovations and initiatives. The rest of the day consists of breakout sessions, hands-on training and LIVE Podcasts!

New this year, we will be hosting a “Prenote to the Keynote” Podcast, discussing previous conferences and outlining what to expect during the Keynote presentation. As always, to kick off the conference, Girish Navani will give his annual Keynote address, outlining our latest innovations and initiatives. The rest of the day consists of breakout sessions, hands-on training and LIVE Podcasts!

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eCW Podcast: Exploring Community Health Centers, 1

Posted by Heather Caouette on 9/22/15 10:45 AM

Our newest podcast episode is the first in a series focused on how Florida’s Community Health Centers, Inc., has demonstrated improved outcomes using electronic health records. Its mission is to provide quality and compassionate primary healthcare services to Central Florida’s diverse communities.

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1.5 Million Referrals Exchanged via P2POpen

Posted by Heather Caouette on 7/31/15 5:16 PM


Earlier this week, eClinicalWorks announced an exciting milestone – the P2POpen network has exchanged 1.5 million referrals between medical providers utilizing a variety of EHR systems. As we, as an industry, have moved to electronic records, one of the key benefits is the ability to access comprehensive, timely information regarding patient care that originates from a variety of sources. This free network ensures healthcare providers can connect with each other for patient care regardless of what EHR system is in use or if the practice is using paper records.

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Gaining Business Insight from Cricket

Posted by Heather Caouette on 7/28/15 12:36 PM

CEO Girish Navani recently sat down with Fast Company’s David Zax, discussing his love for cricket and the business lessons that can be inferred.


Girish has been playing cricket for a large portion of his life. In fact, eClinicalWorks has a team that plays in the New England Cricket Association. In college, he grew just as interested in the NFL and continues to be. 


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