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Key Benchmarks for Process Improvement & Success

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 12/6/19 5:00 PM

What if you were the new coach of the team with the worst record in the NFL? How would you improve the organization’s performance? One approach might be to benchmark what’s working for the best teams in the league and use available assets to adapt your processes to what makes those other teams a success.

In healthcare, too, benchmarking can be a critical component in improving efficiency, quality of care, patient safety, and patient satisfaction.

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Succeeding With Data-Driven Healthcare

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 12/5/19 12:15 PM

From overwhelming to manageable

Many medical organizations talk about having a roadmap to the future, but following one is hard. Adopting new healthcare IT can feel overwhelming when you’re trying to keep up with your daily patients.

But overwhelming becomes manageable when a practice remembers the principles that go into a good roadmap.

In spring 2012, at a time when Electronic Health Records (EHRs) were still far from universal, the journal Perspectives in Health Information Management published a study examining how EHRs can impact practice workflows.

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Shifting to Value-Based Medicine

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 11/22/19 10:43 AM

After 42 years, the Star Wars Skywalker saga is coming to an end. Fans hope that Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker will be an epic conclusion to the series, captivating the audience with quality filmmaking and storytelling rather than cashing in on past success and ideas that will sink the sequel into obscurity. To put it simply: quality over quantity.

What could be said about quality in cinema could also be said for the world of healthcare. Volume-based care puts less focus on quality or the type of service they give to patients and more on the numbers and cost of care – those who were the most successful were those who could see the greatest number of patients.

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3 Tools That Could Keep Your Patients Engaged

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 11/20/19 10:00 AM

Consider the following paragraph:

11-5-5-16-9-14-7 16-1-20-9-5-14-20-19 5-14-7-1-7-5-4 1-14-4 3-15-13-9-14-7 2-1-3-11 20-15 25-15-21-18 16-18-1-3-20-9-3-5 3-15-21-12-4 3-15-13-5 4-15-23-14 20-15 19-15-13-5-20-8-9-14-7 1-19 19-9-13-16-12-5 1-19 7-15-15-4 3-15-13-13-21-14-9-3-1-20-9-15-14. 23-8-5-14-5-22-5-18 20-8-5-18-5’19 1 16-18-15-2-12-5-13, 11-14-15-23-9-14-7 1-14-4 21-14-4-5-18-19-20-1-14-4-9-14-7 20-8-1-20 20-8-5-18-5 9-19 1 19-5-20 15-6 20-15-15-12-19 20-8-1-20 3-15-21-12-4 19-15-12-22-5 20-8-5 16-18-15-2-12-5-13 3-15-21-12-4 13-1-11-5 25-15-21-18 12-9-6-5 5-1-19-9-5-18 1-14-4 11-5-5-16 25-15-21-18 16-18-1-3-20-9-3-5 1-6-12-15-1-20.

Does the paragraph make sense to you?

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How Choosing the Right EHR Helped Our Practice

Thirteen years ago, Urban Health Plan made the switch

Since our partnership began, our practice has gone through a period of growth and development that mirrored eClinicalWorks’ expansion as an EHR company. After beginning our strategic partnership with eClinicalWorks, we expanded from 3 health centers to 11 health centers and 12 school-based clinics.

The ways that we were able to implement and use the EHR allowed us to improve care by assuring that all of our patients, no matter their location in the Urban Health network, were connected.

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How to Improve Your OB/GYN With Your EHR

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 11/8/19 9:00 AM

Women of all ages and at all points in their lives turn to OB/GYN practices to stay healthy. As medical technology advances, eClinicalWorks® continues to create and refine tools to improve practice efficiency and keep patients engaged in their health.

Functional, faster, and more efficient

eClinicalWorks V11 contains gynecological templates designed to improve practice efficiency. For practices that include obstetrics, the OB Flowsheet is a multimodal tool that helps the physician speed up workflows.

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Basic Principles That Could Transform Your Practice

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 11/6/19 4:30 PM

Here’s a familiar script: Your practice delivers quality care. You attract more patients, perhaps more than you can easily handle. You’d love to call a timeout to decide how to better serve the patients you’ll be seeing tomorrow, but you’re just too busy serving the patients you’re seeing today.

What to do? You could stop reading this and go chip away at any unfinished tasks. Or you could read on for a refresher on basic principles that could transform your practice.

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Taking Control of Your PCP With CPC+

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 11/1/19 1:15 PM

When you can’t kick a cold, who do you go to? Primary care physicians are there for you when something’s feeling off and are also often the first to notice underlying health issues. The Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC+) model is a means to help strengthen primary care, promote health, and lower healthcare costs.

What is CPC+?

CPC+ is a multi-payer initiative led by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) designed to improve primary care with two five-year rounds that are location specific. It provides practices with a comprehensive learning system and data feedback that can help guide a practice’s decision-making and deliver better care.

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Leading the Fight Against Lung Cancer

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 10/30/19 12:00 PM

Facing common medical challenges

While every medical practice has distinctive characteristics — from its providers and location to the way it approaches daily workflows — the medical challenges that practices face do not vary all that much from place to place.

Every practice can benefit by emphasizing preventive care. And every practice can use some help in implementing IT solutions to reach at-risk patients.

Compass Medical, a 25-year-old primary care organization & an Accountable Care Organization in Southeastern Massachusetts, recognized that their 80,000-patient population faced the same problems seen anywhere else in the U.S. That’s why, following their March 2015 Go-Live with eClinicalWorks, Compass Medical took aim at one of the most widespread killers of all — lung cancer.

“We are a family-care driven organization focused on prevention and health management," said Dr. Dhrumil Shah, Chief Medical Information Officer.

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A Look Back at the 2019 National Conference

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 10/24/19 2:36 PM

Thank you for attending the 2019 National Conference with us in Orlando. We hope that you learned a lot, attended every session that interested you, and had fun. Let’s take a look back at some highlights over the last few days.

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Overnight Transformations Are Possible!

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 10/20/19 4:07 PM

Capture the power of #eCWNC19

Where did the great music go? What happened to those illuminated palm trees? Who silenced the silent disco? By dawn on Sunday morning, all trace of Saturday night’s amazing celebration was gone. Just a few thin hours stood between the final memorable chords from the sound stage and the serious business of Day 3 at the 2019 eClinicalWorks and healow National Conference.

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A Second Day of Learning and Celebration

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 10/19/19 4:29 PM

In the lobby of the Orlando World Center Marriott, the rhythmic patter of torrential rain washed across the glass ceiling in waves as thousands gathered for the second day of the eClinicalWorks and healow National Conference.

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Celebrating 20 Years of Your Creation!

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 10/18/19 8:09 PM

There are many ways to measure the changes in healthcare over the last 20 years — the dominance of EHRs, new technologies, and empowered patients. And many were on display during Friday morning’s Keynote Address at the 2019 eClinicalWorks and healow National Conference.

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#eCWNC19 Is Almost Here!

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 10/16/19 4:37 PM

Making real connections in a digitized world

We live in a digitized, globalized world driven by phones, apps, email, and who-knows-what technologies to come. Yet, as over 5,000 people gather in Orlando for Friday’s opening of the 2019 eClinicalWorks and healow National Conference, every one of us is excited to meet old friends, share our experiences, and make new connections — in person.

Why? Because #eCWNC19 is about making the personal connections that can be hard to forge in our fast-paced world.

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How Leaders Establish Organizational Success

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 10/11/19 5:00 PM

British economist Ronald Coase, honored with a Nobel Prize in Economics in 1991, often wrote about the structure of organizations. One of his chief insights was that as the transactional costs of achieving specific goals increases, it makes sense to create organizations to meet those goals.

Coase’s idea is familiar to every medical practice that has gone from paper to Electronic Health Records. Tasks once done manually, at great cost and effort, can now be done electronically, cheaply, and automatically.

But Coase’s insight goes still deeper. Even in our information age, many businesses respond to new challenges with old techniques — they work harder and longer. When they fall short of their goals, they assume they aren’t working hard enough.

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