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TCM: From Post-It to Proactive

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 4/17/19 12:14 PM

Matt Cady, Chief Innovation Officer at Florida’s Adult Medicine of Lake County, says that before his practice began using eClinicalWorks to track patients moving among care settings, they had a system in place: Post-It® Notes and spreadsheets.

In other words, in spite of having the cloud-based eClinicalWorks EHR, when it came to keeping track of patients moving from a hospital setting to home, they were still, in effect, using paper records. Each provider knew what was going on with their patients, but communicating that information to colleagues was cumbersome and time-consuming.

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Staying Safe: Top 10 Patient Safety Concerns

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 4/12/19 2:15 PM

In 1968, Dr. Joel J. Nobel, a surgeon at Philadelphia’s Pennsylvania Hospital, warned administrators that a hospital defibrillator wasn’t working. That same week, a 4-year-old patient died because of the same device.

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HEDIS: Keeping Snowbirds’ Data from Flying Away

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 4/12/19 10:15 AM

When Florida medical practices talk about snowbirds, they aren’t talking ornithology. They are referring to the large subset of patients who spend the winter in the Sunshine State and scoot back North in the spring. Such patients pose one of the thorniest problems in medicine because keeping track of their health — from the specialists they have seen to whatever medications they are taking — can be a real challenge.

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HCC: A Coding Tool for an Age of Value-Based Medicine

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 4/9/19 3:44 PM

What kind of medical practices need an advanced tool for determining patient risk, projecting the likelihood of adverse health events, and processing each patient with the highest possible degree of specificity in coding for reimbursements?

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CCM: From Zero to 800 Patients in Just 10 Months

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 4/5/19 7:00 AM

Maximizing their clinical effectiveness while holding down costs is never easy, but for today’s medical practices, one sure guide is to follow the spending. And the evidence points overwhelmingly to one area — chronic medical conditions. 

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We can live in an optimized world

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 4/3/19 1:00 PM

How training can improve EHR satisfaction

One of the most familiar stories in healthcare IT is chronic dissatisfaction with Electronic Health Records (EHR). Study after study shows more than half of practices aren’t completely happy with their current EHR, although a much smaller number are actively seeking a new system at any given time.

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EHR satisfaction and the workplace

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 4/1/19 3:00 PM

It requires a great product and great training

Beginning in the early 1980s, a transformation of American medicine began that few medical professionals foresaw. And it wasn’t a miracle drug, a research breakthrough, or some dreaded new disease that did it. It was, to put it simply, the computer.

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National Doctors' Day 2019

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 3/28/19 7:00 AM

In 1841, 26-year-old Dr. Crawford Williamson Long inhaled nitrous oxide (yes, laughing gas) at a party and noticed something funny. Dr. Long noticed that even if you tripped and fell - instead of screaming in pain, you'd keep on laughing.

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TCM: Tracking Patients to Reduce Readmissions

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 3/27/19 6:00 AM

Healthcare has tremendous power to do good, but its very complexity can also bring complications. Nowhere is that clearer than when patients are moving from one care setting to another.

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HEDIS: Improving the Timeliness of Care

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 3/25/19 10:00 AM

Dr. Martha R. Rodriguez used to have nightmares. Except she had them during the day. At the office.

“We were inundated with lists from the insurance companies,” said Dr. Rodriguez, founder of MMR Healthcare in Boynton Beach, Florida. “Every day we would get a new list — these patients have missing eye exams, these patients are missing mammograms.”

Dr. Rodriguez admits that her knee would sometimes shake when she was faced with yet another list of patients who were out of compliance with recommended exams, because she knew that the data on those lists were sometimes 90 to 120 days out of date.

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CCM: A Long-term Commitment to Teamwork

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 3/21/19 10:00 AM

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 60% of American adults have at least one chronic illness, and 42% have two or more such illnesses — with heart disease, cancer, and diabetes leading the list of maladies that require ongoing medical attention and limit daily activities in some way.

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HCC: Gauging Risk in the Real World

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 3/13/19 10:00 AM

Because knowing your patients’ medical histories well plays such a central role in delivering appropriate and effective treatments to them, healthcare providers today need the most effective possible risk-adjustment model available.

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For Best Results, Engage Your Patients!

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 2/19/19 10:00 AM

Why do medical practices reach out to their patients? The answer seems obvious — because patients who are engaged in their own care tend to be healthier, which makes the job of the physician easier and helps control costs.

But if the answer is so obvious, why don’t more practices have effective Patient Engagement?

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Eva: A clear answer to the multitasking dilemma

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 2/13/19 6:00 AM

Many physicians and their staffs pride themselves on being able to do lots of different tasks. Their intentions are excellent. Doctors, after all, are in the business of helping patients. So, helping as many as possible in the shortest amount of time can’t be a bad thing, right?

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Seeing Interoperability Through a New Prizma

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 2/12/19 6:00 AM

Remember those family vacations when the family packed into the car and drove for miles and miles? Eventually, someone would say what was on everybody’s mind: “When are we going to get there?”

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