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How a Startup Medical Practice Builds Awareness

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 3/18/21 11:46 AM

Have you been thinking about starting your own medical practice? Well, spring is often thought of as a time for new beginnings. With services like healow Aware by your side, starting your own practice may not be as daunting as you thought.

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A Partner for Reinventing Your Practice

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 3/16/21 4:17 PM

eClinicalWorks has all the elements you need

True invention is hard, but imagine transportation without the wheel, construction without nails, or literacy without the printing press. Each of those things was built on moments of inspiration, years of effort, and the slow accumulation of technology and knowledge. And the path to today’s technology-rich world is a very long one indeed, stretching from the alchemists of the Middle Ages to Benjamin Franklin’s kite to the integrated circuit.

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A Critical Moment in the COVID-19 Fight

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 3/5/21 3:50 PM

Vaccines and the race against variants

Americans now have widespread access to two vaccines that offer protection against COVID-19, with a third — the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine approved by the FDA on February 27 — expected to reach providers in the coming weeks.

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What it Takes to Better Know Your Patients

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 3/2/21 8:00 AM

With healthcare data constantly flowing in from multiple sources, how are providers supposed to best organize patient information within their EHR? Truly knowing your patient population starts by finding a means of aggregating scattered data and then funneling it into a convenient and organized system.

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Meeting the Challenge of Vaccine Administration

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 2/25/21 5:22 PM

Development was only the first step

As soon as the scale and seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic became clear in early 2020, talk began to focus on the challenges of developing vaccines. The past year has seen an unprecedented effort to develop and deploy safe and effective vaccines to control a virus that has now claimed 2.5 million lives worldwide — and more than 500,000 in the U.S. alone.

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What’s FHIR and How Will It Drive Healthcare Interoperability?

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 2/23/21 3:00 PM

People everywhere will turn to online marketplaces like Amazon® or eBay® to purchase gifts for friends and family. Now, imagine the frustration that would ensue if these companies made a decision to only allow access through a single browser and on a specific type of mobile device.

Users want the freedom to be able to access a website from any browser, on any device, and any operating system. This same need for independence and ease of use carries over when providers need to access healthcare data between EHRs. FHIR is the means of achieving this.

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Engaging hard-to-reach patients

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 2/18/21 4:03 PM

Amid abundant advances, health disparities persist

It is perhaps the greatest paradox in the American healthcare system: In an era of unprecedented advances in information technology and the understanding and treatment of disease, health inequities and gaps in care persist in many parts of the U.S.

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A Localized Virtual Event for Your Medical Practice

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 2/16/21 5:13 PM

A healthcare provider located in the often-sweltering heat of the Arizona desert is typically not going to be treating cases of frostbite. Medical practices across the country each deal with challenges specific to their region, and when they have targeted questions about their EHR software, they might wonder who’s there to help?

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How healow CHECK-IN™ is transforming healthcare

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 2/9/21 4:15 PM

Consumers turning to contactless methods for commerce

There are few things more personal and important to people than the relationships they have with their medical providers. But as central and important as the role that healthcare plays in our lives may be, medicine is subject to many of the same market forces as any other industry.

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5 Advantages of Using a Cloud-Based EHR System

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 2/4/21 2:20 PM

These days, there’s a lot of talk about cloud-based software. A recent study surveying 786 technical professionals across a wide spectrum of organizations showed that 94% of the respondents used a cloud-based service to manage data.

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Putting the Pieces Together for Quality Healthcare

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 1/29/21 9:02 AM

There are few things as satisfying as placing the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle in the correct spot.

January 29, 2021, is National Puzzle Day and even though finishing a jigsaw puzzle may be satisfying, solving unique problems specific to healthcare is another area worth celebrating.

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Population Health Matters Now More Than Ever

Posted by Matt Cady on 1/21/21 3:47 PM

How eClinicalWorks tools have made a difference

Our practice, Adult Medicine of Lake County, has been successfully using Population Health tools from eClinicalWorks for several years. The Chronic Care Management (CCM) and Transition Care Management (TCM) modules have enabled us to serve a growing patient population while improving outcomes.

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Optimization Services: Make a Difference in 2021!

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 1/19/21 5:31 PM


How training can move practices from good to great

How many times have you bought a fancy new gadget, set it up, and then sort of learned how to use it? Probably quite a few. But if you’re a medical practitioner and the “gadget” is your Electronic Health Record, “sort of” learning the system simply isn’t good enough.

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How Providers Can Keep Their Focus During the COVID Era

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 1/12/21 5:21 PM

The power of mindfulness

The COVID-19 pandemic has been tough on everyone, particularly for those fighting each day on the frontlines of care. A September 2020 study revealed that 64% of the US physicians surveyed were experiencing provider burnout at the time they were interviewed.

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A New Year Brings a Fresh Start with eClinicalWorks V11.50

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 1/7/21 4:18 PM

You know that feeling you get when you replace your microwave oven, buy a bigger TV, or finally decide to get a new car? What you had was very good, and you were comfortable with it. But after a few days or weeks of the new model, you can’t believe what you were missing!

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