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How HEDIS Analytics Is Helping Healthcare Practices

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 1/5/21 3:11 PM

Measuring the effectiveness of care delivery is essential to ensuring your practice is taking the right approach to patients’ needs. The Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS®*) is an essential tool for identifying and closing gaps in care, but knowing the best way to meet quality measures is not always straightforward. That’s why HEDIS Analytics from eClinicalWorks® offers providers a set of industry-standard performance measures to evaluate care access and delivery, measure compliance, and review provider performance.

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2020 eClinicalWorks Year in Review

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 12/30/20 2:25 PM

To say a lot happened in 2020 would be an understatement. In this blog, we wanted to take a moment to focus on how eClinicalWorks® has changed over the last year and what we are looking forward to in 2021 and beyond.

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Thirlby Clinic: Using Telehealth and CCM for Better Disease Management

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 12/22/20 6:07 PM

What do you get when you combine lots of snowfall, a worldwide pandemic, and a nearly complete lockdown of your state?

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Ugly Sweaters and Happy Holidays

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 12/18/20 4:12 PM

What makes a holiday sweater ugly? Is it an abundance of incongruous geometric patterns, bright multicolored lights that wind up and around the wool sleeves like vines on a chimney, or could it just be one too many snowflakes dotting the front of that purple and orange itchy holiday sweater?

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A Challenging Year Is Ending — New Opportunities Ahead

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 12/15/20 4:10 PM

All the elements for success are in place

The challenge of delivering quality healthcare during a global pandemic made 2020 an extraordinarily challenging time. The new year promises to be equally challenging, but perhaps in a more hopeful way. With vaccines against COVID-19 nearing approval and proven solutions for telehealth and contactless check-in in place, it’s a great time for medical practices to assess their next moves.

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How a Practice Found Success With Telehealth & Contactless Check-In

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 12/10/20 5:23 PM

On March 16, Internists Associates of Ridley Park, Pennsylvania closed their physical doors to the world. But that didn’t mean that the care ever stopped for the more than 8,000 patients who rely upon the practice.

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eClinicalWorks: Taking Care of the Caretakers

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 12/8/20 3:47 PM

How EHR flexibility helps during life’s important moments

There are few things more complex than the world of healthcare. But look beyond all the talk about procedures, technology, workflows, rules, and reimbursements and you’ll find patients and providers who share a few simple goals: They want to maintain and restore health. They want to build personal relationships. And they want tools and technologies that support the caring that is the most important part of healthcare — for patients and providers alike.

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5 Healthcare Practices That Found Success in 2020

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 12/3/20 4:59 PM

For healthcare practices, 2020 has been a year unlike one we’ve ever experienced before. Providers across the country had to make quick and important decisions to not only stay in business but keep their patient populations safe and healthy. From adjusting to legislation and workflows designed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic to utilizing new and existing tools and technology, providers across the country continued to do what they do best: provide quality care to those in need.

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Kiosk, HEDIS, and More: Welcoming Patients to the Medical Landscape

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 12/1/20 4:27 PM

A first point of contact that helps practices, too

Centuries ago, the Ottoman emperors introduced the kiosk as a small, domed pavilion or summer house that welcomed visitors to a view of wonderful gardens. Kiosks have changed over the years, but the eClinicalWorks® Kiosk still serves as a place to welcome visitors — in this case patients coming to see their doctor.

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The Continuing Influence of Telehealth

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 11/24/20 11:00 AM

In a year filled with challenges, eClinicalWorks® and healow® have delivered the telehealth solutions practices need to reinvent themselves and continue to serve their communities.

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Meeting the Demand for Behavioral Health Services

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 11/19/20 11:24 AM

More than half of providers faced an increase

According to a summer 2000 survey conducted by the National Council for Behavioral Health, demand for mental health services has skyrocketed during the COVID-19 crisis. The survey found that more than half of agencies surveyed had seen an increase in demand for their services.

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A Better Way to Navigate eClinicalWorks

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 11/17/20 5:28 PM

An enhanced my.eclinicalworks.com is here

Seafarers once steered by the stars. Motorists used to find their way with crisp roadmaps and well-placed highway signs. And physicians relied upon a good filing system and that indispensable office assistant who seemed to remember everything.

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Reinventing Healthcare for a Brighter Future

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 11/12/20 4:28 PM

From rural health centers to urban clinics and everywhere in-between, eClinicalWorks® and healow® are helping practices reinvent themselves to face emerging challenges and provide quality care to patients.

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Show Me the Money Methods!

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 11/11/20 10:32 AM

How online payments can help practices and patients

Even the best medical practices can struggle to provide great healthcare while keeping their practice operating in an efficient and sustainable way. One key to success is separating those things you can do something about from those that are beyond your control.

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How Little River Medical Center Thrived During the Pandemic

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 11/6/20 1:10 PM

It’s been months since the COVID-19 pandemic transformed the way providers practice medicine. For many, the need for an almost overnight transformation became too much of a strain on their resources, and practices were forced to shut down permanently. Others like Little River Medical Center found the means to adapt and utilize comprehensive tools and strategies to find success in the wake of a global pandemic.

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