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Honoring All Our Doctors

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 3/30/22 3:59 PM

Take time to say thanks on National Doctors’ Day

We’re all familiar with those “greeting card” holidays that turn out to be more marketing than substance. But when you examine National Doctors’ Day, the diagnosis is clear: It’s the real thing.

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HIMSS22 Outlines Opportunities in Healthcare

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 3/25/22 11:48 AM

Time travel is still the stuff of science fiction, but after two years of a global pandemic, attending a live healthcare conference sure felt like a paradigm shift.

In some ways, the 2022 HIMSS Annual Global Health Conference & Exhibition, held in Orlando in mid-March, felt like early 2020, with in-person conversations, presentations, and networking.

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The First Step: Patient-Centered Medical Home

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 3/17/22 5:04 PM

To get started with Population Health, there’s no place like PCMH

Just as no building can long endure without a strong foundation, medical practices that hope to grow and thrive in an age of value-based healthcare need to build upon fundamentals.

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3 Ways that healow Pay Helped a Growing Primary Care Practice

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 3/4/22 5:53 PM

When you’re a smaller medical practice, every edge counts toward success. During the heart of the pandemic, providers at Innova Primary Care, a seven-provider practice serving over 4,700 patients in Huntsville, Alabama, used eClinicalWorks® and healow® solutions to grow their practice.

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The Network EHR, PRISMA, and Beyond

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 2/25/22 3:23 PM

eClinicalWorks to exhibit revolutionary technologies at HIMSS22

In the mid-1980s, computer science pioneer John Gage coined the phrase “the network is the computer” to describe the revolutionary work at Sun Microsystems. Some 40 years later, eClinicalWorks® is giving Gage’s phrase a twist as we continue to reimagine healthcare IT. 

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Defense Matters: Keeping Remote Medicine Safe

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 2/17/22 5:41 PM

New technologies come with new security challenges

If you saw the end of Super Bowl LVI, you know that defense matters. With less than a minute to play, Rams’ star defensive tackle Aaron Donald barreled past two Cincinnati Bengals and spun quarterback Joe Burrow to the turf, sealing his team’s 23-20 victory.

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Handling Hospital ADT Notifications With Direct Messaging

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 2/15/22 3:59 PM

How the eClinicalWorks TCN dashboard can help track patients

Every driver has had that experience of going to make a lane change only to realize that there is a vehicle in their blind spot, forcing them to make an abrupt course correction. Something like that also happens in healthcare.

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All the Ingredients for Population Health Management

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 2/10/22 11:58 AM

A complex topic will yield to a systematic approach

In last month’s opening blog in this series, we defined the field of Population Health as including “health outcomes, patterns of health determinants, and policies and interventions that link these two.”

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Celebrating American Heart Month

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 2/8/22 5:12 PM

Understanding the importance of your cardiovascular health is key to reducing the chances of contracting life-threatening diseases. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States, and adopting a healthful diet alongside regular physical exercise can reduce the chances of contracting the disease.

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How PRISMA Enhances Communication

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 2/3/22 4:01 PM

The importance of a common language

Delivering effective healthcare is about knowing your patients’ histories, making observations, and asking questions. Usually, provider and patient share a common language. 

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One Key for 2022: Staying Focused on Patients

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 2/1/22 5:12 PM

Stability, continuity of care, and outstanding service matter

National Patient Recognition Week occurs each year during the first week of February, coinciding with another popular event — Groundhog Day. This year, we imagine that winter’s duration is probably not the first thing on the minds of providers and patients. They’re more likely to be asking how much longer the COVID-19 crisis will last!

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4 Patient Engagement Solutions to Help Patients and Practices in 2022

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 1/28/22 5:39 PM

In the last few years, we have seen dramatic shifts in how patients have interacted with technology and taken control of their own health during a global pandemic.

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The Right Tools During Challenging Times

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 1/25/22 4:20 PM

Medical science, healthcare IT make the difference

Given the challenges of COVID-19, we are indeed living in turbulent times. From lockdowns and mask mandates to the impact on supply chains and economic growth, societies around the globe are dealing with the kind of crisis most of us have never known.

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Healthcare 2022: Regulatory Trends to Look for in the Year Ahead

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 1/18/22 11:12 PM

Overcast with COVID-19 and scattered regulations

While much attention will remain focused on the COVID-19 pandemic in 2022, other topics of importance to healthcare providers in 2022 include:

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What Population Health Is and Why It Matters

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 1/11/22 5:29 PM

Each month in 2022, this blog series will examine a different aspect of Population Health. We hope you enjoy this edition and check back in next month!

A definition emerges and sticks

In March 2003, an article in the American Journal of Public Health could declare that “Population health is a relatively new term that has not yet been precisely defined.”

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