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How Telehealth Is Connecting Patients & Providers

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 6/17/20 5:00 PM

Telehealth allows doctors and patients to connect from anywhere there is an internet connection and continues to bring people closer together even though they are physically further apart.

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Getting to the Heart of Medicine Together

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 6/15/20 5:46 PM

Mid-office reinvention builds on history

Today’s medical practices face a decidedly nonmedical dilemma: They need to adopt new technologies to better cope with the effects of a worldwide pandemic and its economic fallout. At the same time, they are so busy trying to survive they may feel they lack the time to implement new tools and procedures.

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Finding a New Normal: The Patient Experience

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 6/12/20 4:26 PM

The way we practice medicine continues to evolve. As patients become more tech-savvy and curious about their health, keeping their patients engaged will become increasingly important. Delivering a quality experience for patients starts by establishing an effective strategy with the tools at your disposal.

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Minding Mental Health During COVID-19

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 6/10/20 5:13 PM

How telehealth is meeting diverse needs

Too often the psychological impact of crises are overlooked, discounted, or recognized only after the fact. However, the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on mental and behavioral health are impossible to ignore.

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The Healthcare Journey Begins With the Front Office

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 6/8/20 5:01 PM

In 1876, it was rumored that Alexander Graham Bell knocked over some transmitting fluid and shouted, “Mr. Watson, come here – I want to see you,” into his invention. Whether he knocked over the container or not, after years of hard work, research, and reinvention, Bell had finally done it – he had conducted the first telephone call.

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Community Health Improvement Week

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 6/5/20 2:25 PM

Building Community During Difficult Times

It seems that nothing about the year 2020 has been easy. Businesses, families, and individuals have spent a great deal of time and effort in the last three months seeking ways to carry on with work and social life amid the losses and uncertainties brought on by the coronavirus pandemic.

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Expanding the Range of Specialty Care

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 6/3/20 4:28 PM

What might have been commonplace in the past often changes in the present. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, who would have imagined that specialty practices of all kinds would be using telehealth to regularly care for their patients? healow Telehealth Solutions from eClinicalWorks is built for the needs of any and every specialty practice. Here are a few stories from specialty providers who have been using this technology to expand their range of care.

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Reinventing Your Practice

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 6/1/20 1:57 PM

New thinking for new challenges

The coronavirus pandemic has forced companies of all sizes and types to rethink how they can continue to do business in a world where personal contact is discouraged, and in-person transactions are limited.

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What Telehealth Could Mean for Practices Today

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 5/29/20 4:02 PM

As the world continues to change, providers understand that the way they practice medicine is changing. Telehealth continues to be an important tool for providers as they adjust and adapt to the safest and most effective methods to care for their patients. Here are two specialty practices that have been using telehealth technology to reinvent themselves for success.

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Resourceful Action During Extreme Times

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 5/27/20 5:12 PM

The logistics of an Alaska office visit

Visiting Southeast Medical Center in Juneau, Alaska, isn’t usually as simple as boarding a bus or hopping in the car. For many patients, a trip to the doctor means riding a ferry or taking a floatplane. Add a pandemic to that, and the practice’s survival is at stake.

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Like Telehealth? There’s More!

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 5/21/20 1:54 PM

Getting a taste of telehealth

Remember Mikey from those old Quaker Life Cereal commercials? He tried something his brothers would not. And he liked it.

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The Numbers Behind TeleVisits

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 5/19/20 5:02 PM

Providers using healow TeleVisits™ are finding the service helpful in keeping their practices running efficiently and bringing quality care to their patients. In April, there was a 16X increase in healow TeleVisits utilization.

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What Telehealth Can Do for Specialty Practices

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 5/16/20 8:15 AM

When you think telehealth, do you think cardiology? How about podiatry? As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, specialty providers needed a way to continue caring for their patients. Although telehealth technology isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when someone is thinking about orthopedics, practices of all kinds are utilizing telehealth to shape the future of healthcare.

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Routine Care During Nonroutine Times

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 5/13/20 11:30 AM

The challenge of coronavirus isn’t just coronavirus

Everyone knows an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, but what happens when you have difficulty finding that ounce of prevention?

For weeks Americans have missed their daily routines, some of which we’ll catch up on over time. But it can be harder to make up for missing check-ups with doctors and dentists, which often detect conditions that need attention.

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How Telehealth Will Make The 21st Century Ours

Posted by eClinicalWorks on 5/12/20 8:29 AM

Who would have thought that one day we’d be able to conduct doctor’s appointments from different corners of the earth?

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